Oct 12-13, 2022
Creating Your
“Next Gen” Contact Center
Leveraging Technology Beyond Operational Support To Pro-active Business Driver
Let’s face it. Regional decision makers are conservative by nature and need to see solid business models and clear ROI calculations before agreeing to contact centre investment initiatives. For contact centre professionals who are more acutely aware of the importance of customer-focused outcomes such as customer satisfaction and loyalty, the challenge is to translate these realities into business metrics that the purse-string holders can more easily relate to-concepts such as revenue increases and market share for instance
At the same time, many of these same decision makers, seem to be convinced that “technology is the answer” as this will of course mean that head count (i.e. costs) will be reduced through automation, it will perform reliably and consistently for 24 hours per day (not just a normal 8 hour shift), and can be accounted for as a physical asset that is depreciated gradually as opposed to investment in a person that is “wasted” when he leaves.
Practising call centre professionals undoubtedly have a more nuanced view of the role of technology in the contact centre, and would undoubtedly subscribe to more general statements such as:-
- Technology can provide a competitive advantage but needs well trained staff to realize that potential
- Self-Service is taking over simpler customer requests but competent, empathetic agents equipped with the right technology tools (such as a Universal Agent Desktop (UAD)) are a better way to solve more complex customer requests
- Continuously reviewing processes and then using technology to help improve them is where the biggest gains in operational effectiveness and efficiency can be achieved
- Helping other departments understand the contact centre’s role, and how working together can create value for the company, highlights common aims and the technology tools that can be leveraged for that purpose
So Therein Lies Opportunity, Once It Is Also Accepted That :-
- Many new contact centre technology options are appearing, and being actively promoted by their vendors and IT media, but we are still in the early days as far as successful use cases are concerned.
- IT currently has a significant and sometimes delaying role in our decision-making process but this will diminish with the emergence of cloud solutions
- Contact Centre Technology vendors tend to dominate the market conversation, so we invariably get a biased view of what we should do.
- Similarly those same vendors and partners are keen to sell their products but these don’t always translate to the full solution we need – this lack of customisation & completeness can lead to underwhelming results.
Which Are The Top
Currently Impacting
Contact Centres Of The Future?
A recent survey of 330 contact centre
professionals were asked to name
the top 3 upcoming technologies they
expected to assimilate

So, Are You Ready For The Contact Centre
Technology Challenge, Including
- Understanding The Possibilities And How They Can Best Be Deployed In Your Situation, Especially Emerging Cloud Solutions
- Matching Your Technology Adoption Plan To Corporate Strategy
- Ensuring A Solid Foundation On Which To Build By Addressing Current Performance GAPS.
- Identifying The Most Important Integration Issues And Fixing Them In A Timely Manner
- Choosing A 3rd Party Implementation Partner Or Set Of Partners To Accelerate The Implementation Process & Actively Manage Them
- Creating A Realistic Roadmap But Aligning It With Business Goals & Milestones
- Developing People And Processes In Parallel & Especially With Other Departments To Keep The Project On Track - Roles & Responsibilities Must Be Clear
- Refining The Approach, In The Light Of Ongoing Customer Feedback
- Building A Business Case With Clear Financial Analysis & RoI Targets
- Allowing For Testing Especially With Regard To New Process & People Readiness
Announcing the
MECC 2022 Conference
The Only Regional
Contact Centre Conference That:-
- Over The Course Of 20 Years Has Established Itself As The Industry’s Premier Annual Meeting Place For Learning & Networking
- Identifies The Top & Most Urgent Development Priorities For Regional Contact Centre & Sets Out To Address Them
- Is Organized & Prepared By In-The-Field Practitioners Who Actually Know & Experience What Is Going On In The Market (As Opposed To Copy-Paste From Outside-The-Region Event Programs)
- Incorporates Conference Theme-Aligned Case Studies & Unique Problem Solver Presentations For Maximum Delegate Insights & Ideas Generation
In Addition, MECC'22 Is
- The Main Regional Independent Call Centre Vendor Platform Where The Latest Products, Services, Technologies & Solutions On Display Can Be Assessed For Their Appropriateness For Your Own Situation
- A Must-Attend Learning & Networking Opportunity For The Regional Call Centre Community With The Additional Promise Of Awards Recognition Available To Stand-Out Performers
Unlike other regional conferences that feature a random selection of relatively inexperienced speakers and some not-very-well-disguised sales pitches, MECC brings together genuine and experienced experts and in-the-field practitioners offering actionable guidance, and all coordinated to an overall conference plan and deliverable, i.e. your customized Technology Upgrade development outline
The MECC’22 Effect -
Leave MECC’22 Feeling:-
- Inspired by the achievements of others and eager to emulate (or even surpass) them yourself
- Happy that your new, MECC’22 inspired and tech-infused development plan is essentially complete (because you have done all of the heavy lifting at MECC'22)
- More competent in your ability to make decisions affecting bots strategic & operational issues
- Confident to present your plan to senior decision makers because you know that they will be delighted.

Tutorials – Oct 11, 2022
1. Cost Cutting Strategies That Work
2. Outsourcing Success Essentials
Main Conference Track
Day 1 – Oct 12, 2022
Welcome & Introduction
- • Scene setting – You Need To Upgrade Your Operation ASAP
• The Good, The Bad & The Ugly – Regional Observations Based on Awards Submission
Foundational Issues
- • Tackling A Key Dilemma – Aligning The Contact Centre With Corporate CX Plans
• Beware Strangers? – Are Outsourcers Worth The Hassle?
• Your First Priority – A Task That Must Not Be Shied Away From
Day 2 – Oct 13, 2022
Maximizing Your Technology Investment
- • Never Forget The Hype Cycle – Taking A Measured Approach To Embracing New Technology
• Today’s State of Play – Use Cases and Limitations For Emerging Options In Analytics, AI, Social Media, Bots, Agent Empowerment, etc
• Tackling The Integration Beast
Powering Forward
- • Identifying Project Risks & How These Will Best Be Mitigated
• Change Management – A Vital Function That Needs To Be Set Up, Especially When It Comes People & Process Elements
• Gaining Senior Management Buy-In With The Business Case & A Cost Benefit Analysis
5. MM5 – QA Scorecard Design Considerations
6. MM6 – Customer Journey Mapping Essentials
7. MM7 – The Master Team Leader Skill – Team Building
Digital Transformation In The Contact Centre

World-Class Speakers
INSIGHTS events are distinguished by the worldly experience and subject matter expertise of its speakers. MECC’22 will feature a host of international experts, alongside a judicious mix of successful regional practitioners all focused on helping your achieve a successful Technology Upgrade implementation
MECC’22 Featured Speaker

Martin Hill Wilson
Customer Service, Customer Experience & Social Business
Strategist - Author, Keynote Speaker & Blogger, Brainfood Consulting
Martin Hill-Wilson is a customer service and social business strategist. His company Brainfood Consulting provides customer strategy services to a range of B2B and B2C brands. Martin is also a long term member of the UK customer service community passing on his expertise as a keynote speaker and blogger.
Guided Learning & Customized Tech
Upgrade Plan On Offer
As well as pre-event preparation, INSIGHTS conference sessions will be both informative and interactive in the sense that, delegates will be guided to complete a “Technology Upgrade Plan” playbook as the conference unfurls. Follow-on sessions and consultancy calls ensure a viable project presentation is prepared for senior management to signoff
Just Imagine Leaving MECC’22 Being Able To
- Map Out Your Technology Development Plan For The Foreseeable Future (Next 3 Years)
- Create A Creditable Plan That Will Gain Senior Management Approval
- Decide The Acquisition Roadmap For New Technology That Allows You To Determine A Realistic & Compelling Business Case
- Choose The Best Internal Team With The Right Combination of Expertise and Commitment To Your Project
- Identify The Missing Knowledge & Competency Skills You Need To Acquire To Make Your Project Succeed
Your MECC’22 Event Package Includes
A Unique Set Of Bonuses & Benefits

networking AT IT’S BEST
- The region’s own annual contact centre-forum learn from both international experts & your peers
- Always inspirational, MECC’22 ensures you stay up-to-date with relevant industry and best practice options
- Collect valuable ideas that you can’t find elsewhere
- Explore new, innovative ways to solve region-specific problems
- Get great deals on new product/service offerings from participating MECC ’22 vendors
- Get your key staff trained on specific functional subjects
- Collect invaluable planning input, in particular on avoiding expensive mistakes
- Return to your workplace post MECC’22 equipped to take immediate action that could make a significant difference to your results
- Take advantage of the new conference industry format that includes both pre and post event guidance
- Leave with a solid deliverable – Your Customized Technology Upgrade Plan
10 MECC’22 Who Should Attend
- Customer Service/Experience Sales, Marketing Directors/Managers
- Contact Centre Managers/Senior Staff
- CRM Decision Makers
- Business Development Managers
- Telecom/IT Managers
- Communications/Voice Specialists
- Developers/Systems Integrators