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Annual INSIGHTS Middle East
Call Centre & CX Awards 2024

Are You The Best? – Have Your Achievements Recognized & Validated

* Unmatched Validation & Peer Judging Processes
* Multiple Support Options To Help You Produce An Outstanding Submission
* New Awards Format For Sites, Individuals, Problem Solvers & Future Planners
* A Proven Initiative To Foster Teamwork, Kickstart Improvement Initiatives & Accelerate Development

+ So Much More

* Have You Allocated Your Call Centre Resources For Maximum Return?
* Do You Know, & Are You Meeting Your Customers Expectations?
* Is Your Call Centre The Best In It’s Category Or Even Amongst It’s Peers?

* New Awards To Recognize The Wisdom & Effectiveness Of Outsourcing
* Multiple Awards Recognising Excellence In Outsourcing Operations, Management & Reporting
* Mutually Beneficial Benefits That Arose As A Result Of Establishing A Win-Win Relationship

* Is Your CX Initiative Purposefully Supported & Driven By Senior Management?
* How Good Is Your CX Modelling Methodology At Driving The Required Customer Behaviours?
* Do You Have A Creditable CX Value Proposition That Can Demonstrate A Positive RoI?

The INSIGHTS Awards Are
The Unequivocal World Leader In
Peer-selected, Evidence-based
Call Centre/CX Awards

INSIGHTS Awards'24 Outline Timeline

March, 2024

Competition Opens

July 31, 2024

Sept 5, 2024

Main Awards Submission Deadline

Sept 19, 2024

Problem Solver/FPI Submission Deadline

Oct 3, 2024

Regional Judging Panel

Oct 17, 2024

Awards Gala Dinner Night

Platinum  Sponsor

Awards Night Sponsor

Awards Awareness Day – July 31, 2024

Discover How To :-

* Prepare a better Awards submission.
* Decide which Awards are the best ones for you to focus on.
* Build a team that is driven to showcase your call centre in its best light.
* Avoid the most common and most costly (marking-wise) submission errors that many organisations make.
* Emulate the most common success traits of previous Call Centre Awards winners.

And In The Process :-

* Reach out to other parts of the organisation & help them understand the call centre’s value proposition
* Reinforce your call centre’s team culture
* Understand a proven Call Centre life-cycle development model and how you can leverage it for continuous, ongoing improvement.
* Ensure you are selected for the regional Awards judging panel.

Check Out The Following Options
To Increase Your Chances To Win

Proven Ways To Improve Your Awards Submission

Insights Courses

Attend INSIGHTS courses such as “CEM Essentials” & “Essential Planning and Operational Skills for Contact Centre Managers” to understand more about key ideas and methodologies driving continuous call centre improvement.

Insights FLAGS

Participating in an INSIGHTS FLAGS initiative not only guarantees you a FLAGS Pioneer Award but the extra awareness and insights needed to produce a superior Awards submission.


Our new “Problem-Solver” category opens up multiple opportunities for pre-MECC conference delivery critique and refinement.