May 28-29, 2025 Dubai, UAE

Essential Planning and Operational Skills for Contact Centre Managers

POS ’25

Contact centres are evolving fast at present whether it is because of competitive pressures, new technology options or increasing customer expectations. Irrespective of the causes the enduring nature of random call arrival means that managers and other senior staff require a deep understanding of proven contact centre principles and concepts in order to retain overall control and balance. In particular, ensuring the right number of skilled staff and supporting resources are on hand at all times to deliver a business-driven service level target at quality is still the primary way to achieve expected results and continuous evolution in the new customer experience era.

Attend INSIGHTS' most popular management course to ensure you have the right knowledge and foundations for a successful career in contact centre and customer experience management, and achieve a peer-recognised certificate to prove it.

What would it be worth for you to:-

  • Allocate your call centre budget in the most efficient manner
  • Control costs and maximize returns
  • Meet and exceed your customer’s expectations
  • Improve staff performance in the context of an ongoing development plan
  • Reduce errors and re-work and recapture lost customers
  • Focus on the right KPIs for your situation


This Is Your Chance To Gain The INSIGHTS Call Centre Management Certification Qualification. Such accreditation of your call centre management experience and expertise will help you to;-
  • Be recognized as a bona fide call centre professional, in particular by your peers
  • Remind your boss of your potential
  • Position yourself for new CX-based business responsibilities
  • Enhance your ongoing career prospects

What will I learn? Attend this seminal workshop to learn proven ways to

Apply the most important concepts and principles used in successful call centre management

Choose the optimum service level and response time for your call centre and your customers

Calculate work load and plan resources accordingly

Cope with and minimize staff shrinkage

Generate the right type of reports for senior management that give a true picture of what is happening in the call centre

Prepare budgets and present them to decision makers in order to achieve your goals

Manage and operate the call centre effectively and efficiently

Conduct planning for continuous improvement in an ever-changing market.

Deploy proven cost control and cost reduction tactics.

Choose the right metrics and goals for your Contact Centre that support corporate strategies.

Essential Planning and Operational Skills Course Units:

Unit 1

Understanding Call Centres
* The Call Centre Manager’s Role
* Characteristics of The Regional Call Centre Market

Unit 2

The Planning Process
* Setting Targets
* Collecting Relevant Data
* Forecasting
* Useful Tools
* Staffing
* Scheduling
* Budgeting

Unit 3

Operational Best Practice
* Real Time Management
* Contingency Planning
* Performance Management

Unit 4

Ongoing Improvement
* Effectiveness
* Efficiency
* Quality Considerations
* Continuous Development

POS Bonuses include:

* A copy of Contact Center Management on Fast Forward for the first 5 registrations

* Multiple useful tools to measure and use for

  • Call Centre Budgeting
  • Costing Attrition
  • Erlang C Calculations
  • Understanding Customer Expectations
  • RoI Calculations

Plus Enjoy A Bound INSIGHTS Certificate On Passing

The Insights Call Centre Management Certification Course Process:-

1. Attend the 2-day Workshop in Dubai On May 28/29
2. Take An Online Multiple Choice Test Immediately Following the Workshop. (The Option to Do So At a Later Date Is Also Available)
3. On Passing on May 29, You Will Be “Certified in Contact Centre Management” By INSIGHTS.
4. Proceed To Enjoy Your Professional Career in Call Centre Management Knowing That You Have Been Certified By “The Region’s Premier Call Centre Specialist”

INSIGHTS and high quality Contact Centre education are synonymous terms in the Middle East. This unique position has been achieved through the production of the region’s leading call centre conferences and exhibitions, the organisation of world-class seminars and workshops and the championing of industry certification to enhance professional standards. Not content to rest on its laurels and achievements to date, INSIGHTS continues to innovate, respond to market needs and develop timely and relevant programs for the burgeoning (competencybased) Middle East market. “Planning & Operational Skills For Call Centre Manger’s Seminar” comes with the INSIGHTS pedigree – your guarantee of a memorable and effective learning experience.

For more details